Forza Horizon 4 v1.478.564.0

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Download game Forza Horizon 4 v1.478.564.0 latest version
  • Ultimate Edition v1.478.564.0 (Build 12772551) + All DLC

The game Forza Horizon 4 is excellent, and it is difficult to find a better arcade racing game than Forza Horizon 4. The fourth issue in the series is improving the game compared to its predecessor in every way first of all, the seasons change the rules of the game. This not only adds variety and atmosphere to the game, but also dramatically changes how the game behaves and how individual machines are controlled. Then they changed your progress in the game you no longer need to open sites, now you can stick to your favorite race time without having to do different types of races to unlock subsequent chapters basically, each type of race now works individually. Also added several new types of views plots. Now it’s the right sandbox where you do what you want at any time.

The version of the game Ultimate Edition v1.478.564.0 (Build 12772551), download 30.11.2023. All previously released DLC are present. Including the new Fortune Island + LEGO Speed Champions.

Gameplay and you can forza horizont 4 for pc torrent magnet. The online mode also received improvements, mainly clubs, more opportunities for interaction in PvP and have not even fully explored the online functions because the game is huge, with many different things. The game also works much better than its predecessor, but It looks completely new, but there are some minor problems with the streaming of textures mainly soil and foliage they do not affect performance, but they interfere visually when the textures disappear and you see it. Another problem pops up will kill it seems that some cars sound a little strange, but someone who is not a car enthusiast in real life will probably not even notice it.Finally, the implementation of the wheel suspension is not very good can not speak for everyone, since only play with controller, but heard this complaint from friends who tried the wheel.

System Requirements

Your device must meet all minimum requirements to open this product
OS: Windows 10 version 15063.0 or higher
Architecture: x64
Keyboard: Integrated Keyboard
Mouse: Integrated Mouse
DirectX: DirectX 12 API, Hardware Feature Level 11
Memory: 8 GB
Video Memory: 2 GB
Processor: Intel i3-4170 @ 3.7Ghz OR Intel i5 750 @ 2.67Ghz
Graphics: NVidia 650TI OR AMD R7 250x

Your device should meet these requirements for the best experience
OS: Windows 10 version 15063.0 or higher
Architecture: x64
Keyboard: Integrated Keyboard
Mouse: Integrated Mouse
DirectX: DirectX 12 API, Hardware Feature Level 11
Memory: 12 GB
Video Memory: 4 GB
Processor: Intel i7-3820 @ 3.6Ghz
Graphics: NVidia GTX 970 OR NVidia GTX 1060 3GB OR AMD R9 290x OR AMD RX 470

How to Install the Game

  1. Download the game files through torrent.
  2. Run the installation file «[gamename].setup.exe», follow the instructions.
  3. Choose a place on the disk, where the game will be installed.
  4. Wait for the notification that the game is installed.
  5. Сlick on the label of the game, Play!

Enable Developer Mode.

  • Enable Developer Mode
  • Play from Start Menu icon.
    • Windows 10 is required (tested on build 1903 / 1909)
    • Does not work on Win 10 2004!

Download update only: Update.Only.v1.476.99.0.To.v1.476.400.0 | MIRROR [ 438.1 MB ]
Download update only: | MIRROR [ 6.0 KB ]
Download crack only: Forza.Horizon.4-HOODLUM.Crack.Only [ 1.31 MB ]
Download FitGirl RePack: Forza.Horizon.4.Ultimate.Edition.All.DLC-FitGirl.RePack [ 43.0 GB ]

Download Forza Horizon 4 v1.478.564.0

SIZE: 101.2 GB | Downloads:
Download forza_horizon_4_ultimate_edition_v1_478_564_0.torrent

Gameplay Trailer

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Comments 86

Athul George
Athul George25 December 2019 08:18
Should i just run that bat file over the fitgirl repack version... Does it incl all the new cars... Thank you 
SkidCodexCoOffline26 December 2019 03:16
Quote: Athul George
Should i just run that bat file over the fitgirl repack version... Does it incl all the new cars... Thank you 

This version of the game is full and not suitable for repack fitgirl. When the repack is ready, add a link to it in the news.
louis15 March 2020 05:10
I couldn't launch the game. It kept crashing on startup.
sako15 March 2020 21:39
thx mate for updating everything :)

louis16 March 2020 07:21
Keep failing to launch. My windows version is 2004.
quinn16 March 2020 20:46
what should i do after downloading? run the bat file?
DADSADASD24 March 2020 17:59
No audio PTBR :S
paul30 March 2020 14:36
Cual es el codigo de licencia porfavor?
RazecBvOffline3 April 2020 12:54
Ayuda, recibo un error en la instalación

Se produjo un error al desempacar: ¡No coincide con cheksum!
Unarc.dll devolvió un código de error: -12
ERROR: archivo E: \ Forza Horizon 4 \ FH4 \ Media \ Cars \ falló la comprobación de CRC,

intente varias veces y salte el error en diferentes autos.
SkidCodexCoOffline3 April 2020 13:01

try this:

Adi5 April 2020 19:59
Hi, I got a problem. After I finish the intro with the seasons and I choose a car the game just crashes. I started the game again, hoping it witll be ok but it just keeps crashing everytime I wanna drive, everything untill then worked just fine and in the menu there is no problem, but everytime I wanna drive it just crashes again. Could use some help, thanks.
Ikram6 April 2020 04:06
Does it have newest car? Mclaren Speedtail
Gabriel Astua
Gabriel Astua6 April 2020 16:57
Hello i have a problem with the game, when I install and proceed to open, it just says something like: error we couldn't find the .exe be m
Guest Gabriel
Guest Gabriel13 April 2020 10:34
Quote: louis
I couldn't launch the game. It kept crashing on startup.
same here. any fixes ?
Jofo14 April 2020 09:09
Quote: Guest Gabriel
Quote: louis
I couldn't launch the game. It kept crashing on startup.
same here. any fixes ?
same error....3 seconds stratup image and its over....tried reinstall, turning off antivirus, firewall, defender, reinstall Visual Studio, clearing cache memory.....nothing
Debraj19 April 2020 08:56
Game is not launching even after performing Steps such as PowerShield AppxManifest, renaming MicrosoftSunriseGame.exe, blocking windows firewall as well as switching off windows defender. Please suggest fix for launching the game as lot of data is spent.
Debraj21 April 2020 00:39
Quote: Debraj
Game is not launching even after performing Steps such as PowerShield AppxManifest, renaming MicrosoftSunriseGame.exe, blocking windows firewall as well as switching off windows defender. Please suggest fix for launching the game as lot of data is spent.

Thank you so much admins.The errors are resolved. Game is working fine. Follow following steps and it will work 100%.
1. Check Windows 10 version.It works for version 1909 as far as I know. If other Windows 10 version, kindly update.
2. Make sure all third party anti-virus are uninstalled or disabled. 
3. Switch on developer mode from Settings->For developers.
4. Create a folder in any local disk for the game to be installed and note the path. Go to Start-> Windows Security -> Virus & Threat Protection -> Manage Settings. Scroll down to Add or remove exclusions. Click Add an Exclusion and enter the path.   
5. After above steps, then only install the game. It will take around 2-3 hours, so patience is must.
6. After installation, PC will restart automatically.Let it happen.
7. After restart, go to the installed game folder. There will be 3 sub-folders named FH4, FH4_Fortune Island and FH4_Lego. Open each subfolder one by one and do the next step for each subfolder.
8. In each folder, hold Shift and press RMB (Right Mouse button). Then go to open PowerShell Window here. Blue screen appears with current folder path (takes time to load). Then copy "Add-AppxPackage -Register AppxManifest.xml" and paste in powershell and press enter. Wait for few seconds, until path reappears in next line. Then close the powershell window and repeat for remaining 2 subfolders.
9. Go to Start->Windows Defender Firewall -> Advanced Settings -> Inbound Rules -> New Rule. Click next then Browse to game folder-> FH4 . Select "Microsoft.SunriseBaseGame_1.404.531.2_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe" and click open, then next, click BLOCK THE CONNECTION, click next (x2) , add any name (e.g FH4) and click ok.
10. Repeat step 9 for OUTBOUND RULES.
11. Check if your graphics driver is updated. If not, update driver. 
12. After all above steps done, game is ready to be played. Go to Start, there will be 2 new apps "Forza Horizon 4" and "Run Forza Horizon 4". Click on "Forza Horizon 4" and the game will launch without any issues. 

For steps 3, 4, 8 and 9, you can refer the youtube video :
minikvastOffline22 April 2020 16:12
Are the Lego and Fortune island supposed to be installed when just installing game? I have the DLC cars but get the prompt to install Lego and Fortune DLC when trying to play them. I get sent to Microsoft store.
alexander24 April 2020 05:56
Where is the updater for this games???

Maxwell29 April 2020 19:57
After more than 10 tries I was not able to run the game well tecnically yes but no, i was able to play the kind of starter tutorial but after game started itself, it will crash with a gray screen if i press ESC button or after like 10 secconds, i have 16gb of ram and a i7 8700 so there is no problem from hardware and i followed all the instrucctions but game keeps crashing only the tutorial works
Nada3 May 2020 05:17
Non parte. SOLUZIONI??
Vijesh5 May 2020 12:00
Are the Lego and Fortune island supposed to be installed when just installing game? I have the DLC cars but get the prompt to install Lego and Fortune DLC when trying to play them. I get sent to Microsoft store.
kumar20 May 2020 13:27
It's not working....its showing ISDone.dll error

Roger21 May 2020 19:20
PTBR sem áudio das vozes e sem legendas! Em inglês funciona perfeito.
adamOffline25 May 2020 10:09
I've followed the step but i didn't work for me win 10 1909.
The game start the xbox controller image pop and then it crash i launch it again do the first game then it crash and impossible for me to play again help me pls.

EMARX29 May 2020 10:29
Can we find crack for windows 2004 version?

Can we find crack for windows 2004 version?
carlcoopsOffline31 May 2020 08:16
I can't seem to run the game.I get an error message saying unable to find FH4_AutoWUP.exe, what do ineed to do? Thanks

Raider7 June 2020 08:58
To all fellows out here. If some of you got that Isdone.dll/Unarc.dll issue just do the following step. 

Just open your torrent, then reforce check your downloaded/downloading FH4. Just try it. And check which setup file indicates an Error. You will see an Error in one of the setup files. If so, then close your torrent, go to the game folder and open it. Delete corrupted setup file and then reopen your torrent and click the continue button. However, if you didn't get any errors while checking, then it's probably a hardware problem. Someone posted a detailed video about fixing that sort of a problem. Hope it helps. 

For my case one of the setup files was corrupted (data.bin) and fortunately removing and then re-downloading fixed my problem. Hope you guys fix it before diving deep inside xD 
rsaantiago279 June 2020 13:57
windows 10 updatee 2004 not work 
Qnrl18 June 2020 15:25
v1.421.937.2 This version works on Win 10 build 2004 ?