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Download game NeverAwake Build 9599549 latest version
  • Build 9599549

NeverAwake — the main character plunged into an endless dream. Where a large number of monsters and many terrible battles await her. Well, you will enjoy this classic shooter with two joysticks, unique graphics and just an original game storyline. This game is presented in the form of a rather gloomy twin-stick shooter, which shows a special outlook on the world around and not only. The girl will have to fight with mutant vegetables, terrible dogs and even school friends, as well as other things she hates. In addition, the developers presented their project with a fairly high-quality drawing and rich animation. And, as the enemies here are not demons, as many might think, but characters that the girl simply hates.

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Download game Brewmaster Beer Brewing Simulator Build 9610832 - FLT latest version
  • FLT
  • Build 9610832

Brewmaster Beer Brewing Simulator — allows players to create a variety of intoxicating drinks by becoming a professional brewer. It is necessary to create a small establishment where you can craft and pour delicious liquor for yourself and other visitors. You will be able to create menus, write recipes for cooking, make your own labels or brand, and much more. Gamers will be able to use many ingredients, as well as combine different types of alcohol brewing. It will turn out to work out your own business, planning ahead and realizing your desires.

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Download game Paper Bride 3 Unresolved Love Build 9590062 latest version
  • Build 9590062

Paper Bride 3 Unresolved Love is a horror clicker puzzle game. Events are developing in a small Chinese village. Like the previous parts, the plot is based on the theme of the wedding. The gamer is warned not to marry a girl from this settlement, but he does not understand why. Arriving at the place, it turns out that the occult flourishes in the town, and strange creatures live in the shadows. The protagonist will always be accompanied by an atmosphere of rhinestone and paranoia. Here you need to be afraid of meeting not with the living, but with mystical creatures, which are found here in huge quantities. To move forward in the story, it will be necessary to solve various puzzles.