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Download game Road 96 Mile 0 v1534 - Razor1911 latest version
  • Razor1911
  • 1534

Road 96 Mile 0 is an action-adventure indie game developed by Digixart. The game is set in the late 1990s and follows a young person’s journey as they try to escape a fictional, authoritarian country called Petria by hitchhiking their way to the border. The game features a unique narrative structure, with each playthrough offering a different combination of characters, locations, and events. Players will encounter a variety of people on their journey, from friendly hitchhikers to dangerous criminals, each with their own stories and motivations.

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Download game Road 96 Mile 0 Build 10928788 - FLT latest version
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  • Build 10928788

Road 96 Mile 0 is an action-adventure indie game developed by Digixart. The game is set in the late 1990s and follows a young person’s journey as they try to escape a fictional, authoritarian country called Petria by hitchhiking their way to the border. The game features a unique narrative structure, with each playthrough offering a different combination of characters, locations, and events. Players will encounter a variety of people on their journey, from friendly hitchhikers to dangerous criminals, each with their own stories and motivations.

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Download game Road 96 - CODEX + Update v1.04 latest version
  • 1.04
Road 96 — is PC game, where you need escape from a country with an authoritarian regime, start playing Road 96, go on a journey through a huge world with generated events and situations, learn more about what is happening here and find freedom. An authoritarian state called Petria has long been building its policy on things that normal people try to escape from, and now, now you, too, have become one of those who want to escape from all this and find freedom. Find freedom, escape from a state that does not value and does not respect human rights, hit the road and try to overcome all those obstacles that will be on your way.