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Download game Pirates of Republic (TENOKE RELEASE) + Update v0.31.6.17a latest version
  • Update v0.31.6.17a

Republic of Pirates — The doors to the Golden Age of Piracy open before you, so create and develop your own pirate utopia step by step! A resource-based economy, epic real-time naval battles, and the need to build relationships with other powers. You will find all this and more here. Travel to the Caribbean, home to the golden age of piracy. Simply put, in this era, most of the intrepid pirates seek their fortune on the high seas, while marauders under sail hunt for Spanish treasure ships. Opportunistic privateers reap military profits thanks to their powerful patrons. But that’s not all. In the middle of this unforgiving world lies the Pirate Republic. Within which, based on a common ideology, ambitions and code of honor, are pirate clans. And despite the fact that the confederation flourished in the first days, soon greed and envy took their toll. Thus a brutal rebellion and final bloody disintegration took place.