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Download game Scampr v1.0 - DARKSiDERS latest version
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Scampr — is an open-world game set in a bizarre rural village invented by aliens to recreate life on Earth, remembered by a goldfish. The goldfish may have misunderstood some facts about how the Earth is arranged, and whales fly through the air, and acorns turn into miniature giraffes. And all this would be good, except that the goldfish is lost and needs to be released while you activate the animals by throwing acorns at them. Luckily, you’re a squirrel, so this job is just for you. Take the acorns. Run on the tree. Run along the fence. Switch off the force fields. Ride a whale or two. Visit the night world. Try an underwater lab. Look at the artifacts of ancient civilizations. And all this would be good, except that the goldfish is lost and needs to be released, and the animals need to be activated.