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Download game Dins Legacy - PLAZA + Update v1.012 latest version
  • 1.012
Dins Legacy — is a dark fantasy RPG game. In the game, we play the role of an ever-changing mutating hero belonging to a special caste of orcs. Soldak Entertainment, an independent studio known from Depths of Peril, Zombasite and Drox Operative, is responsible for creating this project. As a result of the split, the Orc race was divided into different categories: Dark Orcs, Zombies, and Mutants. They are saddened by a necromantic parasite, which changes its shape over time.
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Download game Drox Operative 2 v1.006 latest version
  • Razor1911
  • 1.006
Drox Operative 2 is a fairly typical ARPG mechanic in which the player, however, controls not a character, but an entire warship. In a sense, we are all ships plowing the cold void of life in search of an absurd target, functioning until the engine stops completely. But Drox Operative 2 is not about this, but about the guild, society, the fraternity of elite mercenaries Drox. Once they were an important organ of the galactic empire, but received too much power.