Train Sim World 5 is a comprehensive rail simulator that allows audiences to explore and master a variety of train routes. The focus is on authentic and immersive simulation of train movements, allowing users to interact with complex schedules and realistic environments. Users will be able to navigate three new routes, each offering unique challenges and operational scenarios. The app is designed to be both relaxing and engaging, and is aimed at those who enjoy detailed simulation and open-world exploration. The focus here is on realism and immersion.
The driving mechanics are carefully designed, from the intricacies of driving to the nuances of schedule management and interaction with various road systems. In addition, gamers are faced with a variety of tasks that simulate real-life train operations, enhancing the feeling of belonging to a functioning line. The app supports single-player play, allowing players to immerse themselves in a rich story-driven environment. With open-world elements and a strong focus on atmospheric details, Train Sim World 5 offers a family-friendly experience that combines the joy of driving with the intricacies of rail transport. Whether exploring new tracks or delving into the physics of driving, users will find a detailed and expansive simulator for themselves.
NOTE. Uploaded version: 16 December 2024 [Special Edition Build 16655388 + all DLC]. This is Full Release and latest version of game. The game is already Pre-Installed and ready to run the game, read the instruction below.
18.09.2024 [WCMLSouth] West Coast Main Line: London Euston - Milton Keynes Route Add-On [Emmy_MAN]
18.09.2024 [FrankfurtFulda] Frankfurt - Fulda: Kinzigtalbahn Route Add-On [Emmy_MAN]
12.09.2024 [BRCLass390] Avanti West Coast BR Class 390 Pendolino EMU Add-On [Emmy_MAN]
12.09.2024 [FlixTrain] FlixTrain BR 193 Vectron Loco Add-On [Emmy_MAN]
12.09.2024 [SanBernardino] San Bernardino Line: Los Angeles - San Bernardino Route Add-On [Emmy_MAN]
12.09.2024 [TSGVosslohG6] DB G6 Diesel Shunter [XPLazar1525]
12.09.2024 [HorseshoeCurve] Horseshoe Curve: Altoona - Johnstown & South Fork [XPLazar1525]
12.09.2024 [NSHeritageCollection] Norfolk Southern Heritage Livery Collection [XPLazar1525]
12.09.2024 [CL-Petroleum] Cargo Line Vol. 1 - Petroleum [Hazard666]
12.09.2024 [MarseilleAvignon] LGV Méditerranée: Marseille - Avignon [jObiwannn]
12.09.2024 [HolidayExpress] Holiday Express – the Runaway Elf [Class370]
12.09.2024 [LuzernSursee] S-Bahn Zentralschweiz: Luzern - Sursee [Emmy_MAN]
12.09.2024 [EastCoastMainline] East Coast Main Line: Peterborough - Doncaster [Emmy_MAN]
12.09.2024 [BR218] DB BR 218 Diesel Loco [Emmy_MAN]
12.09.2024 [IsleOfWight] Isle Of Wight: Ryde - Shanklin [borisk]
12.09.2024 [ArosaVehiclePack02] RhB Arosa Aggregates Pack [borisk]
12.09.2024 [GoblinLine] London Overground Suffragette line: Gospel Oak - Barking Riverside Route [Emmy_MAN]
12.09.2024 [BRClass380] ScotRail BR Class 380 EMU Add-On [Emmy_MAN]
12.09.2024 [BRClass158] ScotRail BR Class 158 DMU Add-On [Emmy_MAN]
12.09.2024 [CL-Aggregates] Cargo Line Vol. 2 - Aggregates [Emmy_MAN]
12.09.2024 [HamburgLubeck] Hauptstrecke Hamburg - Lübeck [Emmy_MAN]
12.09.2024 [DresdenRiesa] Nahverkehr Dresden - Riesa [Emmy_MAN]
12.09.2024 [RuhrSiegNord] Ruhr-Sieg Nord: Hagen - Finnentrop [Emmy_MAN]
12.09.2024 [Wuppertal] Rhein-Ruhr Osten: Wuppertal - Hagen [Emmy_MAN]
12.09.2024 [BerninaLine] Berninalinie: Tirano - Ospizio Bernina Route [exodys] [Emmy_MAN]
12.09.2024 [FifeCircle] Fife Circle Line: Edinburgh - Markinch via Dunfermline & Kirkcaldy Route [RossM236] [Emmy_MAN]
12.09.2024 [PenzanceTruro] West Cornwall Local: Penzance - St Austell & St Ives [RUJimmy]
12.09.2024 [LondonBrighton] London Commuter: London Victoria – Brighton [CyberOps]
12.09.2024 [CrossCityLine] Birmingham Cross-City Line [Asmith54]
12.09.2024 [BCC_Regional_Railways] Centro Regional Railways BR Class 323 [pwdrx]
12.09.2024 [Maintalbahn] Maintalbahn: Aschaffenburg - Miltenberg [pwdrx]
12.09.2024 [PrestonBlackpool] Blackpool Branches: Preston - Blackpool & Ormskirk [pwdrx]
12.09.2024 [EdinburghGlasgow_FreightPack] Edinburgh - Glasgow: Engineering Express Pack [RUJimmy]
12.09.2024 [WestCornwallSteamSpecial] West Cornwall Steam Railtour [RUJimmy]
12.09.2024 [PeakForestRailway] Peak Forest Railway: Ambergate - Chinley & Buxton [RossM236]
12.09.2024 [TSW2PaddingtonReading] Great Western Express: London Paddington - Reading [Pedro]
12.09.2024 [LUBakerlooLine] London Underground Bakerloo Line [Pedro]
12.09.2024 [LondonFaversham] Southeastern High Speed Extended [Pedro]
12.09.2024 [DSNClass20] BR Class 20 'Chopper' [RossM236]
12.09.2024 [DSNClass31] BR Class 31 [RossM236]
12.09.2024 [ECWClass313] Southern BR Class 313 EMU [RossM236]
12.09.2024 [NewJourneys1972] New Journeys - Silver 1972 Stock [RossM236]
12.09.2024 [SEH_DB_Class66] Rail Head Treatment Train [RossM236]
12.09.2024 [BRClass700] Thameslink BR Class 700/0 EMU [RossM236]
12.09.2024 [BRHeavyFreightPack] BR Heavy Freight Pack [RossM236]
12.09.2024 [NewJourneysSoutheasternHighspeed] Rail Operations Group BR Class 37/7 [RossM236]
12.09.2024 [FlyingScotsman] LNER Class A3 60103 Flying Scotsman Steam Loco [RossM236]
12.09.2024 [Semmeringbahn] Semmeringbahn: Wiener Neustadt - Mürzzuschlag Route [Emmy_MAN]
12.09.2024 [BR101Expert] Expert DB BR 101 & IC Steuerwagen Loco Add-On [Emmy_MAN]
12.09.2024 [Vorarlberg] S-Bahn Vorarlberg: Lindau - Bludenz [Emmy_MAN]
12.09.2024 [RTBR182] DB BR 182 [RossM236]
12.09.2024 [NewJourneysBR423] New Journeys - S-Bahn Köln BR 423 [RossM236]
12.09.2024 [BremenOldenburg] Bahnstrecke Bremen - Oldenburg [Pedro]
12.09.2024 [SalzburgRosenheim] Bahnstrecke Salzburg - Rosenheim Route [Emmy_MAN]
12.09.2024 [SFSKasselWurzburg] Schnellfahrstrecke Kassel-Würzburg [Pedro] [RibeanieBaby]
12.09.2024 [RPVectron] Railpool BR 193 Vectron Loco [RossM236]
12.09.2024 [LeipzigS2SBahn] Rapid Transit [Pedro]
12.09.2024 [KolnAachen] Schnellfahrstrecke Köln – Aachen [Pedro]
12.09.2024 [NRMBR101] DB BR 101 [RossM236]
12.09.2024 [RSNBR363] DB BR 363 [RossM236]
12.09.2024 [CajonPass] Cajon Pass [Emmy_MAN]
12.09.2024 [LongIslandRailRoadExtended] LIRR Commuter: New York - Long Beach, Hempstead & Hicksville Route [exodys]
12.09.2024 [NewJourneysSD40] New Journeys - CSX SD40 [RossM236]
12.09.2024 [SFJMP36PH] Caltrain MP36PH-3C ‘Baby Bullet’ [RossM236]
12.09.2024 [SPGC40-8W] CSX C40-8W [RossM236]
12.09.2024 [LIRRM3] LIRR M3 EMU [RossM236]
12.09.2024 [SanFranSanJose] Peninsula Corridor: San Francisco - San Jose [Pedro]
12.09.2024 [SandPatchGrade] Sand Patch Grade [Pedro]
12.09.2024 [NewYorkTrenton] Northeast Corridor: New York - Trenton [Pedro]
12.09.2024 [MetrolinkAntelopeValleyLine] Antelope Valley Line: Los Angeles - Lancaster [Pedro]
12.09.2024 [GlasgowCathcart] Scottish City Commuter: Glasgow - Newton & Neilston
12.09.2024 [EdinburghGlasgow] ScotRail Express: Edinburgh - Glasgow
12.09.2024 [MMLLeicesterDerbyNottingham] Midland Main Line: Leicester - Derby & Nottingham
12.09.2024 [GlossopLine] Glossop Line: Manchester - Hadfield & Glossop
12.09.2024 [EastCoastway] East Coastway: Brighton - Eastbourne & Seaford
12.09.2024 [TSW2WestSomersetRailway] West Somerset Railway: Minehead - Norton Fitzwarren
12.09.2024 [TSW2WSRClass52] BR Class 52 'Western'
12.09.2024 [TSW2WSRClass33] BR Class 33
12.09.2024 [GreatWesternBlue] Diesel Legends of the Great Western
12.09.2024 [IsleofWightV2] Island Line 2022: BR Class 484 EMU
12.09.2024 [SpiritOfSteam] Spirit of Steam: Liverpool Lime Street - Crewe
12.09.2024 [BKRLUL38Stock] London Underground 1938 Stock EMU
12.09.2024 [DarlingtonSaltburn] Tees Valley Line: Darlington – Saltburn-by-the-Sea
12.09.2024 [LeedsManchester] Northern Trans-Pennine: Manchester - Leeds
12.09.2024 [Niddertalbahn] Niddertalbahn: Bad Vilbel - Stockheim
12.09.2024 [LeftRhine] Linke Rheinstrecke: Mainz - Koblenz
12.09.2024 [KWGDispolokBR182] Dispolok BR 182
12.09.2024 [DresdenChemnitz] Tharandter Rampe: Dresden - Chemnitz
12.09.2024 [RSNBR363] DB BR 363
12.09.2024 [RhBAnniversaryCollection] RhB Anniversary Collection
12.09.2024 [ArosaLine] Arosalinie: Chur - Arosa
12.09.2024 [MainSpessartBahn] Main-Spessart Bahn: Aschaffenburg - Gemünden
12.09.2024 [NorthRhineMainLine] Hauptstrecke Rhein-Ruhr: Duisburg - Bochum
12.09.2024 [KAHBR187] DB BR 187
12.09.2024 [NewJourneysKasselWurzburg] DB BR 403 ICE 3 Railbow
12.09.2024 [MunichAugsburg] Hauptstrecke München - Augsburg
12.09.2024 [MSBBR204] DB BR 204
12.09.2024 [RSNBR155] DB BR 155
12.09.2024 [ShermanHill] Sherman Hill: Cheyenne - Laramie
12.09.2024 [UPHeritageCollection] Union Pacific Heritage Livery Collection
12.09.2024 [NewJourneysCajonPass] BNSF SD70ACe
12.09.2024 [BostonProvidence] Boston Sprinter: Boston - Providence
12.09.2024 [BPEAcela] Amtrak's Acela
12.09.2024 [CJP_SF_F7] Santa Fe F7
12.09.2024 [HarlemLine] Harlem Line: Grand Central Terminal - North White Plains
12.09.2024 [CaneCreekRailroad] Cane Creek: Thompson - Potash
12.09.2024 [ClinchfieldRailroad] Clinchfield Railroad: Elkhorn - Dante
12.09.2024 [TSW2TorontoIndustrial] Canadian National Oakville Subdivision: Hamilton - Oakville
12.09.2024 [LongIslandRailRoad] Long Island Rail Road: New York - Hicksville
12.09.2024 [SFJMP15DC] Caltrain MP15DC Diesel Switcher
System Requirements
OS: 64-bit Windows 10 or Windows 11
Processor: Intel Core i5-4690 @ 3.5 GHz or AMD Ryzen 5 1500X @ 3.7 GHz
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti or AMD Radeon RX 460 with 2 GB VRAM or more
DirectX: Version 10
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 200 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
Additional Notes: Requires mouse and keyboard or Xbox Controller
OS: 64-bit Windows 10 or Windows 11
Processor: Intel Core i5-11600K @ 3.9 GHz or AMD Ryzen 5 5600X @ 3.7 GHz
Memory: 16 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 or AMD Radeon RX 6800 with 8 GB VRAM or more
DirectX: Version 10
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 200 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
Additional Notes: Requires mouse and keyboard or Xbox Controller
* Starting January 1st, 2024, the Steam Client will only support Windows 10 and later versions.
How to Install the Game
- Download the game files through torrent.
- Unzip the game using WinRAR or 7zip. (how to use .rar)
- Start game «Train.Sim.World 5.exe», Play!
- The language changes in the menu.
Download Train Sim World 5 Build 16655388 + all DLC (Special Edition)
SIZE: 360.23 GB | Downloads:
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