Control Ultimate Edition v10.0.517.915

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Download game Control Ultimate Edition v10.0.517.915 latest version
  • 0.0.517.915 Build 17677094

Control —  A game development company, Remedy Entertainment, presents a 3rd-person adventure game where the player has to master extraordinary abilities, variable loads and an abnormal environment. Fight in a deeply thought out and unpredictable world. A secret agency in New York was captured by an unknown threat from the other world. The main character becomes a director who is fighting to regain control. The story tells about Jesse Fadenza, who is looking for answers. The world of the game has its own story, like the allies who meet on the path of Jesse. There are traps and secrets everywhere that you have to solve in working with other agents of the bureau, deciphering mysterious fonts and discovering strange agency experiments.

NOTE. Uploaded version: 11 March 2025 [v0.0.517.915 Build 17677094]. This is Full Release and latest version of game. The game is already Pre-Installed and ready to run the game, read the instruction below.

Gameplay. Explore diverse environments and changing architecture in a deep, unpredictable world located in a vast New York building. The player can independently determine his style of play, combining supernatural skills, improvements and modifications. The player will have to engage in battle with enemies, for this he has a gun that can be converted into various forms. The gun can be changed and add modifications to it that will increase its combat effectiveness. You can use the dynamic destruction of the environment and use it in battle. By learning new complex rituals, change the environment.

System Requirements

OS: Windows 7, 64-bit (64bit)
Processor: Intel Core i5-4690 / AMD FX 4350
Memory: 8 GB
DirectX: DX11

OS: Windows 10, 64-bit (64bit)
Processor: Intel Core i5-7600K / AMD Ryzen 5 1600X
Memory: 16 GB
DirectX: DX11 / DX12

How to Install the Game

  1. Download the game files through torrent.
  2. Unzip the game using WinRAR or 7zip. (how to use .rar)
  3. Start game «Control.exe», Play!
  4. The language changes in the menu.

Download update only: Control.The.Foundation.Update.v1.10-CODEX [ 287.2 MB ]

Download Control Ultimate Edition v10.0.517.915

SIZE: 41.62 GB | Downloads:
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Comments 8

SkidCodexCoOffline13 December 2019 06:43
Expeditions, according to Remedy, are "challenging combat experiences with a set time limit", and are designed as end-game content for those that have completed Control's main story.
"Expeditions take place in a Threshold area somehow connected to the Black Rock Quarry, where the Bureau has found a mysterious structure called the Formation," explains the developer, "Marshall frequently sent her Rangers to explore and investigate this mysterious, largely uncharted dimension." Expect to encounter pieces of the Oldest House and more of the Hiss as you step into this strange new dimension.
SkidCodexCoOffline17 December 2019 13:59
Update v1.07:
  1. Added a fix for the weapon mods issue.
  2. Fixed crashing issues.
  3. Addressed a few glitches.
  4. Added Performance and stability improvements.
  5. Other minor under the hood fixes
morgan30 December 2019 23:04
il gioco si blocca quando vado a parlare dal custode del fratello, invece di partire il video il gioco mi permette di muovere la visuale, ma per il resto sembra rimanere tutto apparentemente fermo, i rumori si sentono ei personaggi apro e chiudono il palpebre ma per Il Resto non e possibile tariffa altro

Anonymous31 March 2020 03:20
It seems like this download might have broken my epic games launcher. Please help!
EriXoS15 April 2020 14:54
So since the update is about v1.07 and the game is v1.09 there is no need to install the update, right ??
Just a Man
Just a Man27 August 2020 16:39
the New DLC AWE is cracked or nah?
alex2 September 2020 10:06
Quote: Just a Man
the New DLC AWE is cracked or nah?
Is there any way to add the AWE dlc to existing game?
Ruux15 September 2020 13:19
Hey, is it possible for the AWE expansion to be added as well? Thanks