Midnight Fight Express v1.021

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Download game Midnight Fight Express v1.021 latest version
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  • 1.021

Midnight Fight Express — is an exciting beat-em-up. This game was created by independent Polish developer Jakub Dzhvinel and published by Humble Games. In game Midnight Fight Express, the action is shown in an isometric view. The game consists of forty different levels. During the game, we play the role of a hero who travels around the city, fighting against hordes of enemies that attack him. We destroy enemies using our fists and legs, as well as melee weapons such as knives or steel pipes and various gadgets such as a rope that allows us to quickly jump towards enemies. During duels, we can use the elements of the environment and perform brutal finishing moves.

The battles are not only spectacular, but also extremely dynamic, so during them you need to show dexterity and reflexes in order to dodge and block blows in time, as well as carry out quick counterattacks. From time to time, street settlements give way to spectacular shootouts and chases with the use of firearms. As we progress, we develop the hero, unlocking various cosmetic accessories, as well as gaining access to new weapons and attacks. Midnight Fight Express allows you to play alone. However, our performance is regularly evaluated and we may publish our performance in online rankings, which are a substitute for multiplayer competitions. Midnight Fight Express has colorful cartoon style graphics. The animation of the game was made using motion capture technology.

System Requirements

OS: Windows 7
Processor: Intel Core i7-7500U (2 * 2700) or equivalent
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 620 or equivalent
Storage: 3 GB available space

OS: Windows 10
Processor: Intel Core i5-4670K (4 * 3400) or equivalent
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: GeForce GTX 660 (2048 VRAM) or equivalent
Storage: 3 GB available space

How to Install the Game

  1. Download the game files through torrent.
  2. Run the installation file «[gamename].setup.exe», follow the instructions.
  3. Choose a place on the disk, where the game will be installed.
  4. Wait for the notification that the game is installed.
  5. Сlick on the label of the game, Play!

Download Midnight Fight Express v1.021

SIZE: 6.23 GB | Downloads:
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Comments 1

SkidCodexCoOffline22 September 2022 05:23
Version 1.02 is live!

You can pet the dog now
Uninterruptible attacks now only occur after the enemy has dodged backward.
Decreased time of uninterruptible attacks.
Increased time between incoming trains on Tunnel level.
Enemies no longer shoot at you when you’re using rope.
Added a small indicator when rope throw or grapple failed.
Decreased amount of damage dealt from enemy bullets on Wavechase level.
Challenge “Don’t let the helicopter kill anyone inside the building during the fire” changed to “Complete the level without dying” on Airport level.
Changed “Make Droney hack the door in less than 15 seconds” challenge to 18 seconds on Lobby Level.
Balanced health of some enemies.
Decreased amount of damage dealt by toxic water at the end of Sewers level.
Decreased frequency at which enemies will fire their ranged weapons on normal difficulty.
Decreased amount of ammo for shooting weapons.
Reduced damage from explosion impact when the player is rolling.
There is no longer a level limit for unlocking skills. (Previously certain skills could only be unlocked a certain number of levels were completed)
Decreased damage dealt from helicopter minigun on Seachase level
Decreased damage dealt from jeep minigun on Highway level.
Added indicators for the grenades that are thrown on Highway level.
The Brother Hood enemies are less likely to throw grenades
Grenades thrown by Brother Hood have a longer delay between explosions.
Reduced number of shooting enemies on Russian Casino level.
Reduced number of shooting enemies on VIP Room level.
Reduced number of shooting enemies on Church level.
You can completely disable Secondary Gun and Rope in the hideout.
You can now counter enemy attacks with pistols and rifles.
Chain Finishers are now possible to use on all enemies.
Increased the time before sliced bodies disappear.
After the game is finished, you can grind more money while repeating levels.
Prevented uploading scores to leaderboards that are higher than the maximum value.
Some Rope skills can now be used on enemies with defense points but all Rope skills will always target the closest enemy that has their defense barrier broken first.
You can now use grapple and rope on enemies with defense points while in Rage mode.
Rage countdown timer is now paused when using Finishers or Counters.