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Download game Plague Inc Evolved v1.20 (Greenland International) latest version
  • P2P
  • Greenland International v1.20 Build 17183545 + all DLC

Plague Inc Evolved — the plot of many games is based on the fact that the main character needs to save the world, etc. But here everything is exactly the opposite. You are the most evil person on the planet. Your goal is to destroy all other representatives of the human race. At first, this project was available only to owners of tablets and smartphones, but now you can play Plague Inc Evolved on your computer. There are many films where several people were infected with some new scary virus. After that, the infection spread exponentially, and doctors and scientists frantically tried to find a vaccine. As a rule, then it turned out that it was a secret biological weapon that got out of control.

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Download game Rebel Inc Escalation v1.4.0.10 + DLC latest version
  • + DLC

Unique simulators of survival from well-known developers again fill the Internet space — Rebel Inc Escalation is an ideal indicator. You have to become the mayor of a city in which civilian battles for territory and reputation are desperately waged. After your appearance in the city, it becomes more or less calm, but bandits appear on the state border. Two civilian directions become your task: eliminating the rebellion over terrorists at the border and creating favorable conditions inside the city to confidently repel the attacks of the invaders.

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Download game Rebel Inc Escalation - PLAZA + Update v1.1.3.2 latest version
Unique simulators of survival from well-known developers again fill the Internet space — Rebel Inc Escalation is an ideal indicator. You have to become the mayor of a city in which civilian battles for territory and reputation are desperately waged. After your appearance in the city, it becomes more or less calm, but bandits appear on the state border. Two civilian directions become your task: eliminating the rebellion over terrorists at the border and creating favorable conditions inside the city to confidently repel the attacks of the invaders.