Train Sim World 3 — is the third full part of a series of simulation games released in 2017 in which we can take on the role of a train driver. The game was developed by the Dovetail Games studio, which specializes in this genre. In Train Sim World 3, there are many different trains waiting for us. We are talking, in particular, about the locomotive ES44C4 with an impressive power of 4400 horsepower, the German express ICE 1, capable of accelerating to 280 km/h, or the British class 395 «Javelin». Sitting at their helm, we race along a variety of routes, passing through the scenic countryside of German Hesse and Bavaria, the deserts and hills of California or the British Southeast Expressway.
The detailed replicas of drivers cabs are equipped with many features that you need to master in order to fully enjoy the ride. But it doesn’t stop there, as the game accurately simulates driving physics, the characteristics of individual trains, or parameters such as braking distances. In addition, driving can be made more difficult by atmospheric conditions such as rain, lightning and fully simulated wind. Although driving a train is not easy, we can get to know its movements in a specially prepared training center.
Train Sim World 3 can be played both in scenarios and in a sandbox mode called Off the Rails. In addition, the so-called Creators Club is implemented in the game, which allows you to create your own scenarios and prepare your own pictures of trains; You can share your designs with the community. Train Sim World 3 is based on proprietary SimuGraph technology which simulates train dynamics and Unreal Engine 4. The graphic design looks very decent — we can enjoy both detailed trains and the environment and changing weather conditions.
NOTE. Uploaded version: 11 July 2023 [v1.0.2231.0]. This is Full release and latest version of game included DLC. The game is already Pre-Installed and ready to run the game, read the instruction below.
Basic (EGS):
- 02.09.2022 — Training Center
DLC Routes (Steam):
- 02.09.2022 (KWG) Schnellfahrstrecke Kassel-Würzburg [SFSKasselWurzburg]
- 02.09.2022 (SEH) Southeastern High Speed Extended [LondonFaversham]
- 02.09.2022 (CJP) Cajon Pass [CajonPass]
- 19.07.2022 (IOW) Island Line 2022: BR Class 484 EMU [IsleofWightV2]
- 31.05.2022 (LPC) Spirit of Steam: Liverpool Lime Street — Crewe [SpiritOfSteam]
- 12.04.2022 (HSC) Horseshoe Curve: Altoona — Johnstown & South Fork [HorseshoeCurve]
- 24.03.2022 (LZN) S-Bahn Zentralschweiz: Luzern — Sursee [LuzernSursee]
- 17.03.2022 (HAR) Harlem Line: Grand Central Terminal — North White Plains [HarlemLine]
- 13.01.2022 (DCZ) Tharandter Rampe: Dresden — Chemnitz [DresdenChemnitz]
- 25.11.2021 (SMH) Sherman Hill: Cheyenne — Laramie [ShermanHill]
- 04.11.2021 (WCL) West Cornwall Local: Penzance — St Austell & St Ives [PenzanceTruro]
- 07.10.2021 (LBN) London Commuter: London Victoria — Brighton [LondonBrighton]
- 09.09.2021 (DRA) Bahnstrecke Riesa: Dresden — Riesa [DresdenRiesa]
- 19.08.2021 (NEC BP) Boston Sprinter: Boston — Providence [BostonProvidence]
- 08.07.2021 (CC) Cane Creek: Thompson — Potash [CaneCreekRailroad]
- 10.06.2021 (CCL) Scottish City Commuter: Glasgow — Newton & Neilston [GlasgowCathcart]
- 13.05.2021 (HBK) Hauptstrecke Hamburg — Lübeck [HamburgLubeck]
- 08.04.2021 (CRR) Clinchfield Railroad: Elkhorn — Dante [ClinchfieldRailroad]
- 25.03.2021 (ARL) Arosalinie: Chur — Arosa [ArosaLine]
- 17.12.2020 (LGV) LGV Méditerranée: Marseille — Avignon [MarseilleAvignon]
- 22.10.2020 (MAG) Hauptstrecke München — Augsburg [MunichAugsburg]
- 15.10.2020 (IOW) Isle Of Wight: Ryde — Shanklin [IsleOfWight]
- 20.08.2020 (BKR) London Underground Bakerloo Line [LUBakerlooLine]
- 20.08.2020 (KAH) Schnellfahrstrecke Köln — Aachen [KolnAachen]
- 24.03.2020 (HRR) Hauptstrecke Rhein-Ruhr: Duisburg — Bochum [NorthRhineMainLine]
- 20.02.2020 (OSD) Canadian National Oakville Subdivision: Hamilton — Oakville [TSW2TorontoIndustrial]
- 12.12.2019 (ECW) East Coastway: Brighton — Eastbourne & Seaford [EastCoastway]
- 10.10.2019 (RRO) Rhein-Ruhr Osten: Wuppertal — Hagen [Wuppertal]
- 15.08.2019 (SFJ) Peninsula Corridor: San Francisco — San Jose [SanFranSanJose]
- 23.05.2019 (TVL) Tees Valley Line: Darlington — Saltburn-by-the-Sea [DarlingtonSaltburn]
- 21.02.2019 (MSB) Main-Spessart Bahn: Aschaffenburg — Gemünden [MainSpessartBahn]
- 13.12.2018 (NTP) Northern Trans-Pennine: Manchester — Leeds [LeedsManchester]
- 20.11.2018 (LIRR) Long Island Rail Road: New York — Hicksville [LongIslandRailRoad]
- 16.08.2018 (RSN) Ruhr-Sieg Nord: Hagen — Finnentrop [RuhrSiegNord]
- 24.05.2018 (WSR) West Somerset Railway: Minehead — Norton Fitzwarren [TSW2WestSomersetRailway]
- 14.12.2017 (RT) Rapid Transit [LeipzigS2SBahn]
- 14.09.2017 (GWE) Great Western Express: London Paddington — Reading [TSW2PaddingtonReading]
- 16.03.2017 (SPG) Sand Patch Grade [SandPatchGrade]
DLC locomotives (Steam):
- 16.12.2021 (ARL) RhB Anniversary Collection [RhBAnniversaryCollection]
- 02.12.2021 (RRO) DB G6 Diesel Shunter [TSGVosslohG6]
- 28.10.2021 (ECW) Southern BR Class 313 EMU [ECWClass313]
- 14.10.2021 (BRK) London Underground 1938 Stock EMU [BKRLUL38Stock]
- 14.10.2021 (KAH) DB BR 187 [KAHBR187]
- 22.04.2021 (HRR) DB BR 101 [NRMBR101]
- 11.03.2021 (GWE) Diesel Legends of the Great Western [GreatWesternBlue]
- 26.11.2020 (SPG) CSX C40-8W [SPGC40-8W]
- 05.11.2020 (RSN) DB BR 363 [RSNBR363]
- 18.06.2020 (TVL) BR Class 20 'Chopper' [DSNClass20]
- 14.05.2020 (LIRR) LIRR M3 EMU [LIRRM3]
- 21.04.2020 (MSB) DB BR 204 [MSBBR204]
- 19.03.2020 (SFJ) Caltrain MP15DC Diesel Switcher [SFJMP15DC]
- 13.02.2020 (SFJ) Caltrain MP36PH-3 °C ‘Baby Bullet’ [SFJMP36PH
- 14.11.2019 (TVL) BR Class 31 [DSNClass31]
- 06.06.2019 (NTP) BR Heavy Freight Pack [BRHeavyFreightPack]
- 02.05.2019 (WSR) BR Class 52 'Western' [TSW2WSRClass52]
- 25.04.2019 (RSN) DB BR 155 [RSNBR155]
- 11.04.2019 (RT) DB BR 182 [RTBR182]
- 27.11.2018 (WSR) BR Class 33 [TSW2WSRClass33]
System Requirements
OS: 64-bit Windows 8.1, Windows 10 or Windows 11
Processor: Intel Core i5-4690 @ 3.5 GHz or AMD Ryzen 5 1500X @ 3.7 GHz
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti or AMD Radeon RX 460 with 2 GB VRAM or more
DirectX: Version 10
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 50 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
Additional Notes: Requires mouse and keyboard or Xbox Controller
OS: 64-bit Windows 8.1, Windows 10 or Windows 11
Processor: Intel Core i5-11600K @ 3.9 GHz or AMD Ryzen 5 5600X @ 3.7 GHz
Memory: 16 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 or AMD Radeon RX 6800 with 8 GB VRAM or more
DirectX: Version 10
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 50 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
Additional Notes: Requires mouse and keyboard or Xbox Controller
How to Install the Game
- Download the game files through torrent.
- Unzip the game using WinRAR or 7zip.
- Start game «TS2PrototypeBinariesWin64TS2Prototype-Win64-Shipping.exe», Play!
- The language changes in the menu.
Download Train Sim World 3 v1.0.2231.0
SIZE: 243.3 GB | Downloads:
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