Dead Cells v1.26.0 Update 35 (The End is Near) SKIDROW

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Download game Dead Cells v1.26.0 Update 35 (The End is Near) SKIDROW latest version
  • Update 35 (The End is Near) v1.26.0

Dead Cells — tands out very much from dozens of similar indie games, in particular, among all other representatives of the metrodiving genre. She does not focus on complexity, although complexity is above average. It does not force the user to delve into some intricate plot, with some unexpected twists, stories about extinct civilizations, about gods, villains, and so on. At its core, Motion Twin’s media product is designed to make fun of all the cliches and stereotypes of the genre. In the best traditions of games of this kind, in Dead Cells the death of a character is permanent.

Despite this, the game somehow somehow hardly repeats itself, which makes every race feel different. Often, with each new undertaking, enemies change, the location of secret places, weapons, shops with objects and some rooms. The game stayed in early access for about a year. During this time, the community testing the game helped game developers choose the right path for the development of this project. Actually, the full version received a lot of content, hundreds of corrections, improvements, and everything else that benefited this extraordinarily beautiful metro station.

There are a lot of opponents in the game, but elite monsters who can teleport and deliver combined blows deliver a particular inconvenience. Fortunately, the protagonist will find a right to them too. In the arsenal of the protagonist there are grenades, and bows with poisonous arrows, and traps, and a bunch of all kinds of edged weapons with attack modifiers. True, in order to use all this and not die, the player needs to feel the rhythm of the game itself.

NOTE. Uploaded version: 20 August 2024 [Update 35 (The End is Near) v1.26.0]. This is Full Release and latest version of game. The game is already Packaged in ISO File and ready to run the game after install, read the instruction below.


  • Dead Cells — Rise of the Giant
  • Dead Cells — Whos The Boss
  • Dead Cells — Legacy
  • Dead Cells — The Bad Seed
  • Dead Cells — The Bestiary
  • Dead Cells — Derelict Distillery
  • Dead Cells — Malaise
  • Dead Cells — Fatal Falls
  • Dead Cells — Return to Castlevania
  • Dead Cells — Demake Soundtrack

System Requirements

OS: Windows 7+
Processor: Intel i5+
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia 450 GTS / Radeon HD 5750 or better
Storage: 500 MB available space
Additional Notes: DirectX 9.1+ or OpenGL 3.2+

OS: Windows 7+
Processor: Intel i5+
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia GTX 460 / Radeon HD 7800 or better
Storage: 500 MB available space
Additional Notes: DirectX 9.1+ or OpenGL 3.2+

How to Install the Game

  1. Download the Full game Dead.Cells.The.End.Is.Near-SKIDROW through torrent.
  2. Mount the Full ISO-image game in the «UltraISO».
  3. Install the game on you PC, wait for 100% installation.
  4. Copy all files of the folder «SKIDROW» in game folder.
  5. Lock the game folder in the Windows firewall.
  6. Play!

Download update only: Dead.Cells.Fatal.Falls.Update.24.2-CODEX [ 145.0 MB ]
Download update only: Dead.Cells.Fatal.Falls.Update.23.8-CODEX [ 498.6 MB]
Download update only: Dead.Cells.Derelict.Distillery.Update.20.8-PLAZA [ 194.4 MB ]
Download update only: Dead.Cells.The.Bestiary.Update.v1.9.7-PLAZA [ 197.2 MB ]
Download update only: Dead.Cells.The.Bad.Seed.Update.v1.7.3-PLAZA [ 200.7 MB ]
Download update only: Dead.Cells.The.Bad.Seed.Update.v1.7.2-PLAZA [ 99.1 MB ]
Download update only: Dead.Cells.The.Bad.Seed.Update.v1.7.1-PLAZA [ 101.7 MB ]
Download update only: Dead.Cells.Legacy.Update.v1.6.2-PLAZA [ 92.1 MB ]

Download Dead Cells v1.26.0 Update 35 (The End is Near) SKIDROW

SIZE: 1.91 GB | Downloads:
Download Dead.Cells.The.End.Is.Near-SKIDROW.torrent

Gameplay Trailer

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Comments 6

4ki23 December 2019 16:21
im getting an unknown runtime error:

Unknown runtime error

Hensdrael29 December 2019 20:50
Quote: 4ki
im getting an unknown runtime error:

Unknown runtime error

did you download and install the update 1.6.2?
Saito13 January 2020 20:40
Find steam_emu.ini on the game folder, edit the value on Set Steam connection to offline mode Offline to 1:

### Set Steam connection to offline mode
bvb.younso0929 July 2020 07:48
can you download The Bestiary on the GOG version?
Guest Miguel
Guest Miguel5 December 2020 22:23
How do i solve this?
Ps. I downloaded the game a while ago and it has the Bestiary Update v1.8, Could update with the Download update only: Dead.Cells.The.Bestiary.Update.v1.9.7-PLAZA [ 197.2 MB ] from this post and no problem, but when i want to update to V20.8 i get this.

res.pak Hash sum mismatch! Required MD5: -920782850


Ps.2 I dont whant to Update the whole game again, IF theres a way to solve that. if not then i will download the updated game
SkidCodexCoOnline20 August 2024 09:06
Update 35: The End is Near is now live!
Hey everyone!
It took us a longer time than usual to prepare, but better late than never: the 35th updated The End is Near is here! In this update, we are stuffing in new mobs, weapons, mutations and biome effects all expanding on the curse mechanic, 40+ new head skins, almost 20 new legendary affixes, extra accessibility options and more!
New additions based on one of our most iconic mechanics, Curse: 3 new mobs, 3 new weapons, 3 new mutations and a new biome effect for you to choose whether you are gonna take the risk for more rewards or not.
New legendary affixes.
40+ new heads for customization options.
New routing: you can now go to both Return to Castlevania biomes in one run.
More accessibility options.