The Iron Oath v1.0.0201

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Download game The Iron Oath v1.0.0201 latest version
  • ALI213
  • 1.0.0201

The fantasy world is not always as bright and carefree as it might seem at first glance. Sometimes darkness comes here, which seeks to absorb the colors and destroy all life in its path. In The Iron Oath, you will find yourself in one of these dark universes. You must play a somewhat unusual role — the commander of detachments from local residents. You need to hire heroes in your army, and then send them to perform various tasks.

NOTE. Uploaded version: 27 September 2024 [v1.0.0201]. This is latest version of game. The game is already Packaged in Installer and ready to run the game after install, read the instruction.

Each of your successful or unsuccessful actions will have a significant impact on the further development of this world, so try to make informed decisions. As the tasks are completed successfully, your guild will be able to gain the necessary experience points for the growth and expansion of its influence. Gradually, new missions and storylines will become available to you, which give unique experience and treasures. The funds received can be spent on the recruitment of new, more experienced units and the acquisition of appropriate weapons for them. All actions are developed in a step-by-step mode. Act as carefully as possible, make the right decisions, complete all the tasks successfully and let your guild ascend to boundless heights.

System Requirements

OS: Windows 7
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E5200
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Geforce 9800GTX+ (1GB)
DirectX: Version 10
Storage: 2 GB available space

How to Install the Game

  1. Download the game files through torrent.
  2. Run the installation file «The_Iron_Oath_v1.0.0201_setup.exe», follow the instructions.
  3. Choose a place on the disk, where the game will be installed.
  4. Wait for the notification that the game is installed.
  5. Сlick on the label of the game, Play!

Download The Iron Oath v1.0.0201

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SkidCodexCoOffline10 May 2022 04:16
Patch Notes for 0.5.144

  • Enemies can no longer use melee attacks while out of range of their target
  • Lightning attacks will no longer critically strike wet targets (they only receive +50% damage)
  • The Dreadknight's Pull of the Void ability now has a tooltip describing its effects (adjacent targets are Rooted)
  • When zooming in on characters at the edge of the map, the camera will no longer glitch out trying to center them
  • The Pyromania buff now expires properly
  • Skeleton bone piles can no longer be feared
  • The correct playtime is now displayed on files that have over 60 hours
  • Fixed a rare crash that occurred when a House Skirmisher began combat on a certain tile in the marsh environment
  • Duplicate quests will no longer spawn at the same time in cities
  • If a character somehow gets onto an invalid hex at the start or end of their turn, they will be teleported to the nearest valid hex
  • Certain quests were completing when entering the wrong city - this should hopefully be resolved now
Additions & Changes
  • The turn order is now visible during the deployment phase
  • You can now hold Tab to display all hexes on the field during deployment and combat
  • Ultra wide support has been added
  • Retina display support added for Mac
  • You can now see the blue 'pips' that represent ability charges while camping, and also in the level up screen
  • The Pyrolancer's Fuelled by Fire passive ability now has a status icon to indicate how much of a buff they are receiving
  • Changed the goal for the Eradicate Voidspawn quest so it triggers a mission complete after beating the boss, instead of needing to clear every battle in the dungeon
  • Completing a quest objective now adds 240 days to its expiration time, giving you plenty of time to return to your employer
  • Added an option to disable screen shake effects
  • The bottom edge of some combat areas are now treated like a wall, allowing you to push targets into it and trigger bonus damage
  • You can now change your company's name in the history section of the management menu
  • The price of resources (Wood, Iron, etc) have been changed across the board and are now more valuable
  • Added a new Cloth resource, exported by the city of Athirton
  • Adjusted the durability and cost of most gear in preparation for the upcoming repair mechanic
  • Increased the Defense (+3) and Evasion (+2) stats of the Tower Shield
  • Increased the fire terrain duration from the Pyrolancer's Wildfire ability to 8 turns (from 5)
  • The Wildfire upgrades for duration now increase it by 2 (from 1)
  • Changed the weighting of the 'Disorganized' time modifier so it can no longer trigger early on in a dungeon
SkidCodexCoOffline24 May 2022 04:09
Patch Notes for 0.5.146

New additions
  • You can now repair gear from the management menu by using resources (such as Iron, Scrap, Wood, etc)
  • Additionally, you can repair gear at a city's Market by spending coin (eventually this will be moved to a Blacksmith screen in the city)
  • The Market screen now displays your roster and their gear, allowing you to easily compare gear in the market to what they have equipped
  • Added a new UI element in the overworld to indicate when your next salary payment is due - you can hover this to see a detailed breakdown of all upcoming salary payments for the next year
  • You can now set a frame rate cap in the video settings tab
  • The Blighted Hulk will no longer cause a crash if they charge into an ice pit hazard
  • Fixed a typo in the skeleton revive warning - it now will say 'Revives in 1 Round' instead of 'Revives in 1 Turn'
  • Fixed a bug that occurred when opening the customization screen for a character from the party select screen prior to entering a dungeon
  • The Hunger time modifier now works as described and characters lose Morale for every traversed tile, not Loyalty
  • Burn immunity now properly works on units designated with it (like Charions)
  • You can no longer click to attack an enemy with a taunted character (there was a very small window where it was possible to do so in addition to the forced attack from the taunt)
  • While in dungeons, closing the provisions menu while hovering over an ability will no longer make the tooltip get stuck on screen
  • Fixed an issue where resources in towns were not being saved properly
  • Fixed an issue where you could reset an item's durability in a dungeon if you saved/loaded and then re-equipped the item
SkidCodexCoOffline6 November 2023 11:13

Patch Notes 1.0.003

Added an option to toggle off the Campaign expiration timer (which by default is 25 years). This can be done when starting a new game, or during an existing game (in the difficulty menu). If you choose to disable the expiry timer, it cannot be undone. If you're playing on a save from before 1.0 that has a lot of hours played, you may need to disable the timer (be sure to check your journal and see how many years remaining you have)

Fixed an issue where unlocking the One Mind
 Company Upgrade was not persisting after saving and loading.

Fixed a problem with the Provisions screen in dungeons where if you had more than 5 items it wouldn't scroll properly

Fixed a crash that would occur when killing the last enemy using the Stormcaller's Tempest ability with the Raging Storm II upgrade