- Build 15542586
Set in a fantasy Japan, BAKERU is an adventure that revolves around a young tanuki named Bakeru. His mission is to restore order after the chaos unleashed by the Oracle Saitaro and his Festival Troop. Armed with a mystical drum, Bakeru sets out on a journey to free Japan from evil spirits. BAKERU takes place across 50 stages inspired by the prefectures of Japan. This vibrant world combines modern Japan with echoes of ancient dramas to create a captivating backdrop. The game never fails to provide action as players journey through this whimsical realm.
At the core of Bakeru abilities is the Henge License, a treasure passed down by the Tanuki clan. This mystical license allows Bakeru to transform into legendary Japanese heroes. Whether it’s the strength of Kintaro or the cunning of Momotaro, Bakeru adapts to overcome enemies and traps with ease. The gameplay is simple but fun. As a bakeru, players use their Henge powers to overcome obstacles and defeat enemies. Each stage, from bustling city streets to serene countryside, offers unique themes, providing a varied and exciting experience. Don’t be surprised if the title occasionally transforms into a vehicle for high-speed racing or takes to the skies for exciting aerial combat.
NOTE. Uploaded version: 05 September 2024 [Build 15542586]. This is Full Release and latest version of game. The game is already Packaged in ISO File and ready to run the game after install, read the instruction below.
System Requirements
OS:Windows® 10/Windows® 11 64-bit
Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-6500
Memory: 16 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 (6GB)
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 7 GB available space
OS: Windows® 10/Windows® 11 64-bit
Processor: Intel® Core™ I7-6700K
Memory: 16 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 (8GB)
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 7 GB available space
Additional Notes: SSD storage recommended
How to Install the Game
- Download the Full game BAKERU-TENOKE through torrent.
- Mount the Full ISO-image game in the «UltraISO».
- Install the game on you PC, wait for 100% installation.
- Copy all files of the folder «CRACK» in game folder.
- Lock the game folder in the Windows firewall.
- Play!
Download BAKERU Build 15542586 (TENOKE RELEASE)
Gameplay Trailer
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